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Divine Grace Reiki Teaching

Benefits of the System of Reiki

Healing can take place on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.


Each of these levels will be affected by working energetically with Reiki. A change in one level will affect the functioning of another level. In this sense, it can be understood how the system of Reiki is holistic. Sometimes the changes may be subtle and yet major shifts are also known to occur.


Physically, the body will respond where there is pain or illness. Mentally and emotionally, calm and quiet can be restored to our lives, leaving us feeling balanced.

Once we feel calm, our sense of spiritual connection and purpose in life is returned. From this energized place, we begin to feel physically strong, and the cycle continues.

Reiki Teaching: Welcome
Reiki Teaching: Services

Divine Grace Reiki Teaching

Usui Reiki Ryoho


Teaching from the Japanese Perspective


Shoden - Okuden - Shinpiden


Shoden Level 1

Japanese: Beginner Teachings
Contact Wendy for a payment plan.

Shoden teaches how to practise healing the self and the basics about helping others. At this level the student is heading out on the path to self-discovery, this is just the beginning.

Okuden Level 2

Japanese: Hidden or Inner Teachings
Contact Wendy for a payment plan

Okuden is where the students learn three mantras and three symbols that aid in focusing the energy. At this level, you discover your inner qualities, your Earth, Heaven and Heart energy. There is the opportunity to develop a professional treatment practice from these teachings.


Shinpiden Level 3

Japanese: Mystery Teachings
Contact Wendy for a payment plan

Shinpiden focuses on personal development and teaches the student how to perform attunements. At this level you move into discovering more about the mysteries of life. How you relate to yourself and the universe. This can be practised for the rest of your life and is always a personal practice which can develop into a professional teaching practice if you so desire. 



The Precepts

For today only:

Do not Anger

Do not Worry

Be Humble

Be Honest in your work

Be Compassionate to Yourself and others.

Reiki Teaching: About
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