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A Little of What You Fancy....

We're being guided to watch not only our diet, but what we eat, drink, read, watch on TV, conversations with others, and internal conversations too. What we eat is what we are but also be very aware that your thoughts, actions and words can also affect who you are.

But today, let's talk about food and drink. We are all human, and food is to be enjoyed as much as anything else we do. There is something so comforting sitting down with a steaming bowl of your favourite food. The smell, the taste, the colours, the way it makes you feel. And the social aspect of sitting at a table with friends or family to catch up over a meal prepared with love has been a cornerstone of so many cultures. Taking time to savour and be grateful for every mouthful brings us back to who we are....Souls with human needs and desires.

It is totally up to each of us to weigh up the pros and cons of what we decide to put in our system. That being said, many modern day ailments come down to poor diet, processed food, deficiencies in nutrients and vitamins, how our food is produced and not drinking enough water. But it also comes down to HOW we eat. Is a meal something just to be shovelled in, chewed, swallowed as quickly as possible as you have other things to do? Are you sitting in front of the TV not paying much attention to the food you're absentmindedly putting in your mouth? Is it time to make mealtimes a calm, restorative, gentle time of your day, where you can switch off from your thoughts and just BE in the moment or be very present with your loved ones?

There seem to be more and more modern day ailments and sensitivities that are attached to what we eat and how we eat. Are you feeling fatigued all the time, brain fog, aches and pains, digestive problems? Maybe it's time to look at your diet and if symptoms worry you, talk to your doctor. We KNOW what isn't good for us; empty calories, too much salt, the wrong fats, sugar, perhaps gluten. Maybe now is the time to cut back and get back to basics? Give your body a rest from trying to process food and drink that isn't working for it. But always bearing in mind that a wee treat every so often is good for the Soul!

Yes, there is the problem of food poverty. Processed, cheap food is sometimes all that a family can afford, and until fresh produce, freshly picked and grown locally is affordable and accessible for all, this will continue to be a problem. We all have a part to play in changing this. If we stop buying a product, the market will have to adapt. We need to have the will to spend a bit more on good quality food to sustain our health and wellbeing and prioritise that over other outgoings we have. The ripple effect will help to change how food is valued in our society. Healthier food, healthier population, less stress on the health services, more energy, happier people. We all have the choice to break the habits we've been conditioned into and start making healthier choices for ourselves and our loved ones. Spend wisely.

Teaching children how easy it is to grow your own food in a pot on a windowsill, a balcony or in a garden is a fun activity with the added bonus that they're also more likely to try and like food they've grown themselves! Let's show our young people that growing our own food is a pleasurable experience, it teaches us about nature, it teaches us patience and it teaches us that our body is important and should have the best possible sustenance fed to it. It also brings families together as everyone can help out, young and older alike. I have first hand experience of this in my days as a Nursery teacher tasked with setting up a vegetable and fruit garden with 3 to 5 year olds. It was a Joy! And they learned how to prepare, cook and best of all EAT the food they'd grown. All amazing life skills that have sadly been side-lined in our busy, modern lives.

Finally, we can all be mindful when shopping for food. Where does it come from? If it has a long sell by date, what additives have been added to make it last so long? Is there an alternative way to source fresh, locally grown food to support the local economy and support our health and wellness instead of relying on supermarkets and the air miles some foods add to the climate situation we're facing, as well as packaging issues? How about making some time to look for local, fresh, in season food suppliers? Many deliver!

Were being guided to start thinking more mindfully about what we eat and how we eat. Our bodies are the home for our very precious Souls and need to be looked after in the best way we can. Love yourself enough to think carefully before you eat something you know isn't right for you. Yup, the answer to everything is Love and that includes your food and drink.

Sending you all much Love.

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