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I'm Back!

Back in September 2021, if I'd have known what was going to happen in my life, I wouldn't have believed it! The Universe brings things in for us in Divine Timing, and this was my time to have a big healing experience. My reiki teacher, Grenville Williams (One World Reiki) explained that the Reiki working within my energies had started to clear some pretty big, stuck energies from a lifetime of trauma and experience. It just went on and on! To say it was uncomfortable would be an understatement. There were moments of emptiness, pain, sadness, anger, frustration but all for the good as I was clearing it all once and for all, and coming back to myself again. My TRUE self, the self I was always meant to be.

Healing is an ongoing process, it comes in waves throughout our lives and if we're willing to embrace it, to go into our core wounds to face and heal them, we come out feeling lighter, more grounded, feeling Oneness with ourselves and the Love of the Universe.

I want to thank you all for your patience as I've had to take this time for myself. You have been in my thoughts and I have held space for you.

I'm still healing, but the Universe is guiding me to get back to my Reiki clients and card readings. So, I'm letting you know first: I'm back and ready to connect with you all again. I'd like to thank you again for your patience, and I'm blessed to have such lovely people supporting me and sharing their lives with me.

Sending you all so much Love, Wendy

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