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I'm Back!

Firstly, and most importantly, I want to thank you all for your patience and understanding as I took some time out from my website and practice. I found I had to take my own advice and step back to look after myself a lot better and found that time stretched into months, not the weeks I'd first thought. I'm so Grateful for your Patience.

When your Soul knows it needs to heal, you listen and it takes as long as it takes. After a lifetime of people pleasing, running around after everyone else's needs and putting my own to the bottom of the pile every time, the Universe gave me a Tower moment to end all tower moments and I had to retreat and spend time with myself, digging deep to clear a whole load of 'stuff' I'd held on to for far too long. It was making me very poorly and my body was screaming out in pain and fatigue. I was forced to listen.

I wonder how many of us here push on, ignoring our bodies and intuition, until we come to a stop; stuck, unable to think let alone act?

So, with some very emotional and difficult inner work, facing, accepting and owning my shadow aspects and releasing trauma stored up in my body, I have learned to BE and not always DO!

At long last, my body is saying!

I'm now comfortably sitting in my Yin, Divine Feminine energy, balancing it with the Yang Masculine I'd needed to survive all my life. I've learned to BE, to flow, to allow, to create, to SHINE. And guess what? Things I have been trying to manifest for too long are now effortlessly coming into my life. Who knew that just Being, Trusting and being Patient could bring you such happiness and calm! I have learned to Love myself, to put in boundaries, to support my own growth first, and I've found all the Love and Happiness I need within ME. It's a beautiful place to be.

I've had a rethink about how I move forward in a way that supports my healing and my desire to get out there and assist others with their own healing. One huge positive is that I feel I have much more insight to share having been through the last 2 years and all I've processed and released. I honestly feel that many, many more souls will follow. These times are calling for us to fast track our healing paths as the veil is lifted on so much we've been completely unaware of until now. It's time to create a world we want to live in and leave for the generations to come......and it all starts with our own healing.

I'm not going to put any pressure on myself to put out the weekly readings. I'll post when I'm guided.

I also want to share some of my healing tips, so I will be blogging about them when the time is right.

I haven't been totally idle in my time out! I'm a Capricorn! I've continued my personal development, studying a range of healing modalities that I can share with those who ask for assistance. I'm also very close to completing my Shinpiden Reiki teacher level, and am so excited and thrilled to be able to offer lessons in Shoden level 1 and Okuden level 2 very soon. Watch this space.

I'll leave you now! Thank you for reading and staying till the end.

I'm back offering readings, reiki treatments (in person and online), and Personal Life Path sessions where we dig down into your healing path and help you move forward into the life you were meant to live all along. You'll know when it's the right time for you.

Sending so much love to you all,


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