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It got me! But it's part of my Reiki Path...

Well, it was inevitable, I suppose. But it took 2 years! Yes, Covid hit me two weeks ago and has absolutely floored me. Just when I had got myself back on my feet after a prolonged time of deep healing. So, it got me thinking....

I'm a big believer that everything happens with Divine Timing, so why did I become really poorly with this virus just as I was getting back to working with people again? Why was I being stopped in my tracks yet again?

The answer is isn't the time. I still have inner work to do. I'm being slowed down yet again.

When Reiki came into my life it changed me. I 'tripped over' a profile on Facebook by pure chance. I was having a clear out of my own profile and happened to click on a recommended connection and it's content completely resonated. This was a person who would add so much positivity to my timeline. So I did something I never do, I asked this stranger to connect. And BAM, Grenville Williams entered my life! Divine Timing.

We started text chatting and he told me about his work with Reiki and All-Love Sekhem, I was fascinated.

A few months later, after a couple of online meditations with him, I was ready to start my level 1 Shoden Reiki. I loved every minute and found my new meditative practice was helping me with my readings as well, there was a new clarity to them. I was so ready to step up to a new level. Divine Timing.

Having built up my daily practice of meditation and self healing, it was time to study my level 2 Okuden Reiki. It fascinated me, it inspired me, I knew that Reiki was changing my life for the better. Going inwards and reconnecting with my true self was something I had needed to do and I started to like who the real Wendy is. Grenville is such a patient, kind, supportive teacher and I'm so grateful for his guidance. There were shifts starting to happen within me, and my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies were all getting a good spring clean! All in Divine Timing. What was being cleared was going at the right time.

I managed to travel to meet up with Grenville last summer in the beautiful Cotswolds. We talked about everything and nothing, a special time between two new friends. He took me to a beautiful stone circle and did the Reiki attunements for me. It was such a moving time and the tears flowed freely. I was ready to set up my own practice at home and spent some quality time with my younger son during the summer holidays setting up a Reiki room. Divine Timing again. Grenville visited me later in the year and it was such an honour to do a treatment for him.

I started treatments on lovely people who found their way to me and started to slowly build up my practice. Then it hit. The Reiki was working within me and was starting to clear some very deep rooted trauma. I had to go with it and retreat into hermit mode until I'd done the essential inner work. It was dark, it was physically and emotionally painful, but I always held onto the positivity that I was clearing stuff that was holding me back and once it was processed and allowed to leave, it wouldn't come back. It took five months.

I felt so guilty that I was somehow letting my clients down, but that wasn't helpful. I need to be at my best to be of help to others and I needed to help myself first. I was toying with the idea of getting back to opening up my Reiki and readings practice again, but felt I'd lost my confidence a bit. And Boom, Divine Timing stepped in again.....

I received a wonderful email from a mother wanting help for her daughter who is suffering with fibromyalgia. I was so excited that I could be of use to her healing and took the tentative step towards opening up again. Then another email found its way to me, and I knew I was being prodded again by the Universe. This time a wonderful young woman who wanted to start her own Reiki studies. This was the moment I needed to take the leap of faith and just go for it. I made an appointment for her. My confidence was given the wee boost it needed. I had faith in myself and knew I could adapt around my own needs. I worked out how I was going to preserve my energy while doing treatments and felt comfortable that I'd be able to deliver a good service for everyone.

The moment I started to feel unwell, I knew Covid had found its way to our home. I have used Reiki self healing every day and it has been a huge support to my recovery. I'm being slowed down again for a reason. I don't know why and I don't know for how long. Grenville has been my text buddy each day, keeping me sane as I've battled with fatigue, pain, coughing, headaches etc, and reminding me how to use my Reiki when I was feeling utterly wretched.

When I asked him why he thought I was being slowed down again and why these last months have been so brutal, he was so reassuring and said, "The beginning is brutal because you've experienced a lot over your life. We have to go back into it to release, integrate and heal everything. And in this healing process we move forward. You'll see." So the Universe knows best! I trust that all I need to do is to keep going inwards (which is what Reiki is all about) and allow everything to heal and clear. I'll rest, I'll BE in each moment and practise gratitude for all the amazingness in my life.

All this happened when Facebook joined two people in Divine Timing. The story continues......

Grenville Williams' details:

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